On July 04, 2023, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) issued its El Niño Advisory No. 1 indicating that the unusual warming of sea surface temperatures (SST) along the equatorial Pacific established in March 2023 has further developed into a weak El Niño.
By December 6, 2023, this weak El Niño had intensified significantly, with SST anomalies surpassing 1.5°C, as noted in PAGASA’s El Niño Advisory No. 6. The advisory indicated that the strong El Niño is likely to persist until the second quarter of 2024.
In response to the escalating El Niño conditions, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) developed and submitted an El Niño Action Plan to the Department of Agriculture in June 2023. The plan outlines strategic measures under disaster risk reduction and management themes: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response (maximization of production in non-threatened areas and saving production in vulnerable areas), and rehabilitation and recovery. Key initiatives include strengthening climate change and disaster risk reduction task forces, conducting extensive Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) activities, monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) and water quality, and issuing technical advisories and
early warning alerts, among many others.
BFAR conducted monthly monitoring of the Action Plan’s implementation, submitting progress reports to the Department of Agriculture every 10th of the month. The Fisheries Planning and Economics Division also actively participated in the National El Niño Team for Food Security’s regular meetings.
By the start of 2024, BFAR updated its El Niño Action Plan and continued rigorous monitoring. By April, the Bureau had carried out 1,174 monitoring, control, and surveillance activities, including HAB and environmental assessments. Still part of its prevention and mitigation initiatives, BFAR conducted various information campaigns through print materials distribution and awareness campaigns via radio broadcasting and social media publication. Preparedness efforts included 11 stakeholder consultations, 30 training workshops, and the provision of 1,944 technical assistance sessions. To boost production in less vulnerable areas, BFAR distributed 1,546 environment-friendly fishing gears, 18.05 million fingerlings/seedstock, 103,330 broodstocks, and 60 seaweed farm implements.
Damages and losses in the fisheries sector has been observed due to the El Niño phenomenon. As of May 10, 2024, reported damages and losses amounted to PhP 61.64 million, affecting 3,086 fisherfolk in CAR, Region 1, Region 2, Region 5, and Region 6. Affected commodities include Tilapia, Shrimp, Crab, Seaweed, Milkfish, Catfish, and Seabass. As part of its recovery and rehabilitation initiative, BFAR provides livelihood assistance to the affected fisherfolk and prepares a Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan for the impacted areas.
Despite the reported damage and losses, the total volume of production for the aquaculture sub-sector generally posted a positive growth during the past three quarters as reported by the Philippine Statistics Authority.